Visit in Sub-Carpathian region
Visit in Sub-Carpathian region
The first city which Jan Lubomirski – Lanckoroński, the President of the Princes Lubomirski Foundation, visited was Jarosław. A beautiful city on the border between two regions: the Lower San Valley and the Rzeszów Foothills shaped its identity for hundreds of years. In the Middle Ages, it was the meeting point of three cultures: Polish, Russian and Jewish.
Konstanty Lubomirski, the hero of wars with Russia, Turkey and the Cossacks, was the owner. The region remained under the Lubomirski Family’s management till the end of the 18th century. Their fates have been a part of the monuments of the city. In Jarosław, the President of the Foundation met with Waldemar Paluch, the mayor; and Bogdan Wołoszyn, the head of the Education Department. Talks with the members of the local government concerned mostly the young people and their prospects in the Sub-Carpathian region, and the Foundation’s plans to grant scholarships. A visit to the City Cultural Centre was a very important part of the stay. Young residents of Jarosław were waiting for Jan Lubomirski over there. Thus, he could confront their dreams and aspirations with the vision of those in power. At the end of the day, the President visited the Rotary Club, that is the charity association of entrepreneurs. Understanding today’s modern patriotism correctly, they support many social initiatives. That was the subject of the meeting, so was the employment of Polish young people in companies located in the Sub-Carpathian region. Please see media reports following the first visit of Jan Lubomirski – Lanckoroński, the President of the Princes Lubomirski Foundation to the Sub-Carpathian region.