The Lubomirski Family at Wilanów. Politics and private life
"The Lubomirski Family at Wilanów. Politics and private life"

The opening ceremony of the exhibition “The Lubomirski Family at Wilanów. Politics and private life” will be held on Friday, the 14th of October, at 6 pm in the White Room of the Wilanów Palace Museum. The presence and activities of the Lubomirski family in Wilanów in the 18th and 19th century is the core subject.
The opening ceremony will include speeches by Prince Jan Lubomirski-Lanckoroński, the Director of the Palace Museum – Paweł Jaskanis, the Exhibition curator – Anna Ekielska and Teresa Perkowska – the author of preliminary research and scientific research on portraits of the Lubomirski family. Eminent guests from the world of culture, art and business closely related to the Lubomirski family will be present at the opening of the exhibition. For the large majority of our guests, the Wilanów palace is primarily a residence of John III Sobieski – Anna Ekierska, the exhibition curator thinks. – Tradition of looking at Wilanów as a memento of John III was established, in fact, by Elżbieta Sieniawska – the daughter of Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski. She bought the decaying palace from the king’s sons and commissioned the building of side wings, probably realizing the old plans of Sobieski”.
Artistic patronage of the Lubomirski family shaped the Wilanów residence for almost the entire 18th century. Until this day, works of art from this period have survived in the palace and the historical collections of the museum. Among them, the richest in the Polish collection is the one of portraits of members of the Lubomirski family with over 62 paintings, distinctive of old Polish Sarmatian, a little rough appeal. As the Director of the Wilanów Palace Museum Paweł Jaskanis points out: Such collections are rare in Poland, although sets of paintings, which used to constitute portrait galleries and express aspirations and social status of wealthy families, are rich and extremely interesting.
The first part of the exhibition – “Politics” – will be presenting portraits of the most eminent representatives of the Lubomirski family – Stanisław, Jerzy Sebastian, Hieronim Augustyn and Stanisław Herakliusz. The family portrait gallery we will create in the White Room will be a journey in time. Portraits of the Lubomirski family from historical Wilanów collection will allow us to bring the nonexistent Portrait Gallery of the 19th century to life – notes Anna Ekielska.
The second part of the exhibition – “Private life” – will be devoted to Izabela Lubomirska née Czartoryska and her family and friends. The portraits will be presented in her apartment in the southern wing of the palace – the Hall, the Living Room and the Golden Bedroom. During the exhibition you can see the interior of the bath apartment – Lubomirska’s Bathroom, inaccessible to visitors on a daily basis.
The thematic path devoted to the patronage of the Lubomirski family in Wilanów will be led through the interior of the palace. It consists of ten stops in places where artistic evidence of the activities of the members of the family has been preserved.
At the exhibition you will also find yourself able to see how stately rooms in residences of the aristocratic families of the 17th and 18th centuries could look like. We will show completely unknown paintings, previously hidden in museum stores, in space and context they were created for – stresses Anna Ekielska.
The exhibition was prepared thanks to the support of and cooperation with the Princes Lubomirski Foundation. It is accompanied by the guide “The Lubomirski Family at Wilanów. Politics and private life”.
The exhibition will be open to the public from 15th October – on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9.30 to 15 and on Sunday from 10.30 to 15. Lubomirska’s Bathroom will be open every Friday.